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Make a compliment or complaint


We want to hear when we get things right but also when we get things wrong.

It's good to know when we have exceeded expectations and we celebrate such feedback but we also want to know when we don't, so that we can try and put things right.

Please use this form to give us your feedback and if you need it, our complaints process is below together with a link to the Housing Ombudsman for independent advice and guidance.

If you raise a formal complaint with us, we have 5 working days to acknowledge and log your dissatisfaction, followed by a further 10 working days to provide a written response.

If you want to make contact with us for anything else, please use the form on the Contact Us section of the website.

Annual Reporting

Below you will find our annual submissions to the Housing Ombudsman.

As the Chair of the Ocean Housing Limited Board, I am pleased to present our comprehensive Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report for the financial year 2023/24. This report is shared with our residents, colleagues, and key partners on behalf of the Ocean Housing Limited Board.

This year, we have implemented several changes to enhance our complaints processing and to review and implement improvements based on the insights we gain. Our self-assessment against the Complaint Handling Code has strengthened our approach to complaints handling, ensuring that our compliance with the Code accurately reflects our complaints handling practices and culture at Ocean Housing.

While this process is continually evolving and progressive, our compliance with the Code, along with lessons learned from some early negative Housing Ombudsman determinations and internal audit recommendations, has driven our commitment to change. This has been achieved through additional staff training and increased oversight and scrutiny of complaints by the Executive Team and Group Chief Executive.

Our Board Members Responsible for Complaints (MRC) meet quarterly with Ocean representatives to scrutinise and discuss complaint performance, trends, and learning. We welcome their challenge and feedback, which helps shape and deliver continuous improvement.

The MRC are assured that Ocean Housing will continue to collaborate with our residents to enhance our services, learning from each complaint to meet the expectations of the Housing Ombudsman and, most importantly, our tenants and residents.

Housing Ombudsman Complaint Code Self Assessment 2024
Annual Feedback Performance & Service Improvement Report 2023/2024
Housing Ombudsman Landlord Report - Ocean Housing Group Limited

Quarterly Reporting

Below you will find our quarterly reporting for compliments and complaints.

Quarter 1 2024/25 - Complaints and Compliments Report
Quarter 2 2024/25 - Complaints and Compliments Report

Compliments or complaints

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