Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM)
On 1 April 2023, the Regulator for Social Housing introduced a new a new system for assessing how well social housing landlords in England are doing at providing good quality homes and services.
All social housing landlords must now survey their tenants and residents using a set of questions called Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM). The Regulator will publish a league table of results this summer.
You can read more about TSMs and what it means for you as an Ocean tenant on the Regulator of Social Housing website here.
How do we know how we're performing?
Ocean works with research company, IFF Research to survey our tenants and residents. We ask a range of questions to get an understanding of what tenants think we are doing well and not so well, so that we can evolve and develop our services.
Ocean Housing is required to complete a minimum of 526 surveys per annum among Low Cost Rental Accommodation customers to meet a +/-4% confidence interval.
Ocean Housing completed all surveys by telephone using a "rolling survey" over 11 months.
A quota sampling approach was used, based on agreed characteristics, to represent the profile of the full customer population. Quotas were set for age group.
You can find our annual TSM results for 2023/24 below. The data includes a mix of tenant perception and management information.