Service Standard Commitments
What are Ocean's Standard Commitments?
On this page this will find information about the level of service you can expect to receive from Ocean and ways that you can give your feedback on how we are performing.
The senior member of staff with responsibility for compliance with the consumer standards is Frances Turner, Managing Director of Ocean Housing.
Service Standards Update
How are we performing?
Ocean works with research company, IFF Research to survey our tenants and residents. We ask a range of questions to get an understanding of what tenants think we are doing well and not so well, so that we can evolve and develop our services.
Rent provides value for money
Provide a safe home
Satisfaction with repairs
Performance Q1 - 2024/25
What are Ocean's Service Standard Commitments?
Ocean was an early adopter of Together With Tenants (TWT) from the National Housing Federation.
The focus of TWT was to strengthen the relationship between residents and housing association landlords.
As part of this process we compiled the six TWT Charter Commitments set out below:
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM)
On 1 April 2023, the Regulator for Social Housing introduced a new a new system for assessing how well social housing landlords in England are doing at providing good quality homes and services.
All social housing landlords must now survey their tenants and residents using a set of questions called Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM). Feedback from the survey will be collected by all landlords with the Regulator publishing a league table of results -the first this Summer.
You can read more about TSMs here.
Do you want to give your feedback?
If you are a tenant or resident of Ocean you can tell us how you think we are performing against the Service Standards Commitments by completing a short survey. We value your feedback and use it to help shape the services we provide.
You can complete the survey on the 'Have Your Say' section of your MyOcean account by clicking here.
Our quarterly performance
Download a copy of our most recent performance information below.