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My Ocean Tenant Zone
You can check your account balance, book a repair and more using MyOcean

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Want to give your feedback?
If the answer is yes, why not become a member of the Tenant and Resident Partnership

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My Ocean Tenant Zone
You can check your account balance, book a repair and more using MyOcean

My Home

My Ocean Tenant Zone
You can check your account balance, book a repair and more using MyOcean

Register with Homechoice

Looking to rent a home?

Here you will find important information on how you can register to rent a home and how we advertise our available properties.

The majority of our rental properties are allocated through the Cornwall Homechoice allocations scheme. You will need to register with them first using the link above.

Use the Q&A's to find out more information about the process and how to bid on properties.

Your questions


Homechoice Easy Guide
Placing a bid on Homechoice

My Ocean Tenant Zone

With your MyOcean account you can report a repair and track its progress, see your statements and learn of any planned works on your property.
