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If the answer is yes, why not become a member of the Tenant and Resident Partnership

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My Ocean Tenant Zone
You can check your account balance, book a repair and more using MyOcean

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My Ocean Tenant Zone
You can check your account balance, book a repair and more using MyOcean

Report Anti-Social Behaviour to Ocean Housing

We know that sometimes repeated incidents which may not appear serious when treated in isolation, can have a significant impact on a complainant’s life.

Therefore, if these types of behaviours are persistent, deliberate and found to be having a harmful impact then please complete the form below and we will investigate the matter as ASB in line our policy.


0800 555 111

In an emergency or if you see a crime being or about to be committed:

  • See or speak to a police officer that day
  • If you wish to report a crime that has already happened and there is no likelihood of the offender(s) still being nearby
  • Leave a message for the police officer dealing with this case

CRIMESTOPPERS – to report information anonymously and in confidence

Ocean Out of Hours

01726 874450

To speak to or leave a message for your Neighbourhood Services Officer.

How to keep your diary

To take action we need a carefully written, truthful account of every incident.

Incident Diary Form

ASB Diary
What time did the incident start?
What time did the incident end?
Where did the incident happen?
Where did the incident happen?
Postal Code
Did the incident happen...
Have you reported the incident?