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If the answer is yes, why not become a member of the Tenant and Resident Partnership

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My Ocean Tenant Zone
You can check your account balance, book a repair and more using MyOcean

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My Ocean Tenant Zone
You can check your account balance, book a repair and more using MyOcean

Report Anti-Social Behaviour

Report these issues directly to the council

Dog noise

The Dog Welfare and Enforcement Team can deal with:

  • Stray dogs - any dog that is unaccompanied in a public place
  • Noise complaints regarding dogs
  • Dogs kept in such a manner so as to be a nuisance
  • Dog fouling complaints

The council can establish if a statutory nuisance exists.

If it's something else please continue

Report directly to the police

The following are criminal acts and should be reported directly to the police:

  • Arson
  • Assault
  • Drug use
  • Drug dealing
  • Drunk and rowdy behaviour
  • Gun or knife crime
  • Hate crime
  • Sexual offences
  • Threats of abuse or violence
  • Dangerous dogs
If it's something else please continue

Report other issues

Select all that apply:

Description of what happened
Next step

Your details

Are you a tenant?
Your name *
Your address *
Your tenant number (if available)
Crime reference number (if available)
Have you reported the incident to the council?
By submitting this form you are giving us permission to store your information for the purposes of answering your enquiry. All data is held securely, for more information please see our privacy policy

Thank you for reporting Anti-Social behaviour.
It will make a difference to your community
We will be in touch within 3 days