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My Ocean Tenant Zone
You can check your account balance, book a repair and more using MyOcean

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My Ocean Tenant Zone
You can check your account balance, book a repair and more using MyOcean

Report damp and mould

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If you have an urgent need such as you smell Gas or burning, leave the building immediately and call 999.
If you have an emergency repair call us on 01726 874450 or report damp & mould below.


If you need assistance, please contact Customer Services on 01726 87 44 50

Occupants living in the property

Please select as many as are appropriate

Location: Occupants: Next step
If you need assistance, please contact Customer Services on 01726 87 44 50

Please add any details

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Location: Occupants: Next step

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Location: Occupants: Send
By submitting this form you are giving us permission to store your information for the purposes of answering your enquiry. All data is held securely, for more information please see our privacy policy

You are reporting damp or mould...




The details of your report have been recieved and are now being processed. Your report will be logged and a member of the Customer Experience Team will be in contact if they require further information.

The Ocean Housing Team