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Rent and Service Charge Review 2021 – what Ocean residents need to know

We are currently writing to our residents to let them know that our annual review of their rent and service charge has taken place.

Your payments should equal the new charge from the date indicated in your letter.

What happens now?

If you pay by Direct Debit, then there is nothing more you need to do. We will write to you separately with a new payment schedule.

If you receive Housing Benefit, we will let Cornwall Council know about your new charges. Unless your circumstances have changed, there is nothing more you need to do.

If you receive Universal Credit, you will need to notify the Department of Work and Pensions of your new rent and service charge.

It is important that you do this to ensure that you continue to receive the correct level of housing costs with your Universal Credit.

You will need to report ‘eligible’ and ‘ineligible’ service charges separately. If relevant, we will set this out on your letter to make this easier for you.

You can report changes to your rent and/or service charge through your online account, using the ‘change to: housing costs’ function, or by calling 0800 328 5644. Lines are open 8am-6pm, Monday to Friday.


  • You must report the changes on the date they take effect, or at the earliest opportunity thereafter.
  • Changes reported before they take effect will not be applied and you may lose out on money which you could be entitled to.
  • Changes reported too late will not be backdated and you could lose out on money which you may be entitled to.

For our rented tenants we are required by law to advise you that you have the right to terminate your tenancy if you do not wish to pay the new charge.

Therefore, if you are a rented tenant and do not wish to pay the new charge, and want to end your tenancy, you must give us four weeks’ notice in writing by 8 March  2021.

We’re here if you want to discuss your rent and service charge

Should you have any questions, our Customer Accounts team are here to help. Further details on how to contact them can be found here.

Alternatively, you can view your rent account online via  ‘My Ocean’ or the Ocean Housing app.

Every time that we notify tenants of this review we do notice some recurring questions.

So, we have put together a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers to help you better understand the review.

Read more: Frequently Asked Questions about our annual rent and service charge review

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