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Hot topic – fire safety awareness

Safety is everyone’s responsibility; our main priority is to keep you and your loved ones safe in your own home.

We take our responsibilities for fire safety seriously so as well as providing you with smoke alarms, please be assured we carry out regular inspections including communal areas, making sure all safety equipment is looked after and maintained.

When visiting your home, we will highlight any potential hazards and give you advice and support on how to rectify it.

It’s important that you and the people you live with know how to reduce the risk of fire in and around your home, and what to do in the event of an emergency.

Additionally, it’s prudent to have access to reputable fire damage restoration services like those offered by Hard Core Restoration in Long Island.

They stand as a premier provider of fire damage restoration long island, dedicated to restoring properties to their pre-fire condition efficiently and effectively. With their expertise and commitment to excellence, Hard Core Restoration ensures that affected individuals and businesses can navigate the aftermath of fire incidents with confidence and minimal disruption to their lives.

In addition to prioritizing fire safety, it is equally crucial to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to provide physical and mental first aid. Just as we prepare for potential fire hazards, participating in a first aid course in Newcastle, tailored to both physical and mental well-being, can be instrumental.

These courses not only teach practical skills like CPR and wound care but also educate individuals on recognizing signs of mental distress and offering initial support.

Some key points to remember:

  • Check your fire alarm/smoke alarm is working by pressing the test button at least once a month
  • Keep all fire doors closed. This will help to slow down the spread of fire and give you extra time to get out
  • Keep corridors and exits (including balconies)clear of items that could fuel a fire, obstruct your escape, or prevent the fire service getting in
  • Do not leave items like bikes, buggies or mobility scooters in communal areas, these are the routes for you and your neighbours to get out and fire fighters to get in
  • If you live in a block of flats, familiarise yourself with the evacuation procedure

FREE home checks are available from your local fire and rescue service. They can give you life-saving advice, look for possible fire risks in your home, check your smoke alarms and help you plan escape routes in case the worst ever happens.

Book this today by visiting: or read our Tenant Guide to Property Health and Safety on the website or contact our Customer Experience to request a copy.